Bugs and Beasts Before the Law

Bugs & Beasts before
the Law is an experimental film that explores the medieval practice of putting
animals on trial. This history of colonial law-making forged political and
sometimes profane relationships between humans and animals. Bambitchell's new
essayistic work reimagines common perceptions of legal history and, in doing
so, produces a world where past and present, fiction and non-fiction, human and
animal fuse.
33 min, Video
Made in collaboration with Bambitchell & Richy Carey.
Made in collaboration with Bambitchell & Richy Carey.

Installation views, Mercer Union, 2019. Photos by
Toni Hafkenscheid.
Directors: Sharlene Bamboat & Alexis Mitchell
Sound Design & Music Composition: Richy Carey
Camera: Iris Ng
Editor: Alexis Mitchell
Voice: Sukaina Kubba
Production Manager: Paula Kohlmann
By Mercer Union and The Henry Art Gallery with production support from Akademie Schloss Solitude, MacDowell Colony, The Darling Foundry and Canada Council for the Arts.

Poster Design: Sameer Farooq.